Monday, March 7, 2011

Experiments on HTML 5 canvas

Like I mentioned in my tweets before about being excited about the new Chrome Javascript engine and its speed and how google folks were trying to port Quake2 on it... it got me the initial push to try experimenting on it

I have written a Bezier curve evaluation functionality (not using direct Bezier draw method) on this, user can create curves by clicking on the canvas, on the side the blending functions are plotted too, its quite fast to my surprise :)

Give it a try here: OR on blog

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Laser scanner experiments (again)

After some break, I am back at the laser scanner experiments.

Today I tried to make a new housing for the laser assembly so that I can place it properly in relationship with the camera. I am planning to create a base platform which has screw holes at known positions so that I can screw the camera and laser housing. That would reduce my initial setup time quite a bit. All this activity was with the intention to increase the accuracy than previous setup :-)

Turn table

New laser housing

I tried to find some interesting items that were available near me, I have to say that the scanning process today was quite fruitfull. 

I tried to run the previous algorithms but it was taking too much time for the model 1, and data was flying around quite a bit, I need to check the logic again, maybe tomorrow again (going to sleep now).